Complaints Procedures
We always aim to provide a high-quality service, but occasionally mistakes do happen. If for any reason you are unhappy with our service, we would like you to tell us, so that we can try to put things right. We can usually resolve most issues quickly.
You can contact us at
IMC Customer Relations
Lambourn House,
17 Sheen Lane,
SW14 8HY
- 020 8392 6111
In order to resolve your complaint, it would be helpful to us if you could:
- Set out the details of your complaint, and how you would like us to resolve it;
- Provide your policy number and if applicable, the claim number;
We aim to respond to all complaints within 5 working days and we may be required to issue a final response to you in writing. Complex cases may take longer to resolve, but we will keep you updated with progress.
In the event we are unable to resolve your complaint in house and we have issued you with our final response, you may be able to approach the Financial Ombudsman Service via:
Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower, Harbour Exchange, London E14 9SR
Calls within the UK:
0800 023 4567 (calls to this number are free from mobile phones and landlines)
0300 123 9123 (calls to this number cost no more than calls to 01 and 02 numbers)
Calls from outside the UK:
+44 20 7964 0500
NOTE: If the matter is to be referred to the Ombudsman you should do so as soon as possible after our final response and certainly within six months. Outside this time period the FOS has the discretion whether to review your complaint or not.
European Online Dispute Resolution Platform
If you arranged your policy with us online or through other electronic means, and have been unable to contact us either directly or through the Financial Ombudsman Service, you may wish to register your complaint through the European Online Dispute Resolution platform. Your complaint will then be re-directed to the Financial Ombudsman Service and to us to resolve. There may be a short delay before we receive it.
Important information
All details of complaints will be held for five years from the date of receipt of the complaint. All complaints that fall within the scope of the Financial Conduct Authority complaint rules will be reported to the Financial Conduct Authority on an annual basis. These will be broken down according to complaint category, generic product type, the number of complaints closed by the firm, and we will indicate the number of complaints that were outstanding at the end of the reporting period.

Want to talk things through?
Call us on
020 8392 6111
Or send an email to
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